Ashley O: When Being Yourself Goes Right

In a world where everyone wants to give advice, one gem stands out: "Always be yourself." It's a small piece of encouragement that can open unimaginable doors when embraced in the right situation.

Such is the story of Ashley O, a forward-thinking, infectious, and light-hearted radio host at Orlando station 101.9 FM & Miami station 104.3 FM. Through a series of serendipitous events, Ashley wonderfully transitioned from hosting a party with friends to becoming a host for thousands of radio listeners today. It almost feels like the plot of a coming-of-age film when you think about it. As Ashley recalls, "I kind of fell into radio. I was hosting a party with a bunch of friends, and we met a guy named Mike B, who worked in radio down here. I guess I had him laughing, and he said I had a 'voice for radio.' He asked what I was doing, and at the time, I was looking for an internship. The next day, they had interviews, and it felt very 'Legally Blonde.' So, I showed up on a Monday smelling like two-day-old Miller Light, wearing a pair of jeans, surrounded by highly trained professionals. Against all odds, those crazy men decided to give me an internship, and that was it."

Ashley takes immense pride in providing a safe space for the thoughts and opinions of others. Even after spending a significant amount of time in the radio business, she has managed to maintain her infectious personality. However, it wasn't without a few key motivators and influences that kept her on track. Among those, one of my personal favorites is the story of the cardboard box. When she was first hired, a man named Kevin Vargas introduced her to what she described as a ‘tangible perspective.’ Pointing to an abnormally large Amazon cardboard box under his desk, filled with CDs and sleeves, he said, "You see this? These are all the people that want your job." This simple gesture instilled in Ashley a sense of gratitude and determination to make the most of her opportunity.

Her journey in radio has also been shaped by her interactions with women who came before her and didn't have the same opportunities in the industry as she does now, as well as representing the percentage of women who are creating room for change. These experiences have helped her carry a great deal of balance and understanding for the role she plays as a woman in this field and influenced her growth, allowing her to progress while staying true to herself.

Looking ahead, Ashley envisions exciting goals for “The Ashley O Show” and her future in radio. She initiated a charity called "The Ashley O Food Fight," aimed at paying off outstanding student lunch debt in the counties where she broadcasts. With the hope of expanding the program, she wants to ensure that numerous kids receive whole, nutritious meals. Already, they have raised an impressive $50,000 and successfully paid off the outstanding student lunch debt in Broward County. Above all, she couldn’t leave without saying this, “I just hope to keep giving people a safe space to be and listen, even if it's just for four hours a day.”